Bachelor of 科学 in 健康care

Bachelor of 科学 in 健康care


esball国际平台客户端的 路易斯健康学院 & 生命科学 现在是提供新的吗 Bachelor of 科学 in 健康care degree program that can prepare students for virtually countless careers in the healthcare field -- from patient care to public health and policy.

“健康care is one of the fastest growing sectors and the world of healthcare is changing rapidly,根据Lennart Johns的说法, Founding Dean of the Lewis School. “We have designed a curriculum with foundational knowledge, but also the flexibility to adapt to student interests and our changing world.”

The new healthcare major is designed for students who are interested in any facet of healthcare including pre-clinical, 业务, 数据分析, 公共卫生政策, 研究, 和生物伦理学.

As the healthcare world expands, Clarkson’s growth in the field continues. We are developing new ways to facilitate our students’ service to their community by offering a flexible and relevant program that delivers what matters to industry as well as patients -- that will only become more important over time.

esball国际平台客户端 President Marc P. 克里斯坦森 Ph.D., P.E.

Direct Entry to Graduate Programs

White coats with esball国际平台客户端 DPT Emblem

Majoring in healthcare is also the newest option for Clarkson’s Direct Entry initiative for healthcare. 在这个节目中, students complete four years of undergraduate study at Clarkson for a BS degree, then directly enter our master's or doctorate degree programs in their chosen healthcare field.

There is no second application, as long as all the requirements and academic criteria have been met. Clarkson’s Direct Entry program is designed to attract the best, brightest and most promising students who wish to enter the fields of healthcare. Direct Entry provides a guaranteed spot for first-year undergraduate students in our Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program, MS in Occupational Therapy (MS-OT) program or MS in Physician Assistant Studies (MS-PA) program.


Students in the 健康care major will complete 25-26 core credits and 19 elective credits in healthcare, 科学22学分, 数学10学分, 必修研讨课4学分, and 39-40 credits which are open or free electives. This design allows a student to be highly focused or diverse in their coursework and the flexibility to design their own curriculum to meet their intellectual interests and career goals.

Embedded within the core 健康care curriculum are the 15 Core Competencies for Entering Medical Students that have been endorsed by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).


Clarkson Physical Therapy students in the lab

In addition to the Clarkson Common 经验值erience, 以下是必需的:

科学 Requirements (22 credits):  Students must complete two courses of biology (BY160 & 实验室,BY471 & lab), two courses of general chemistry with lab, one course of general physics with lab

Math Requirement (10 credits):  Students must complete two courses in math and one course of statistics.

健康care Core Requirement: Students must complete 25-26 credits of courses designated by the 健康care major.

  • PY151心理学导论
  • HC201 Bioethics Across the 健康care Industry
  • HC205一般医疗条件
  • HC207医学人类学
  • OSM286组织行为学
  • HC301循证实践
  • PY/HC370 Developmental Psychology
  • PY/HC463健康心理学
  • HC499教授. 经验值. (1-2 cr)

健康care Electives (19 credits): Students must complete from department approved listing.

  • One 健康care elective (3 credits, 健康care): HC600 Intro to 健康 Systems, HC651卫生系统管理, HC650健康政策动态, HC626医疗营销, HC605医疗保健运营, HC617医疗金融
  • One 健康care elective (3 credits, 伦理):除了HC201, examples include PHIL241 Medical Ethics, BIE400 Responsible Conduct of 研究, BIE410生物医学伦理学.
  • One 健康care elective (3 credits, Communications): examples include COMM217 Intro to Public Speaking, COMM219 Introduction to Social Media, COMM229 Principles of User-经验值erience Design, COMM245媒体写作, COMM313 Professional Communication.
  • One 健康care elective (1 credit, Communications): examples include COMM125 Social Media Analysis and Applications, COMM126 Fundamentals of User 经验值erience, COMM127 Foundations of Data Visualization, COMM150 Making and Communicating Innovation.
  • One 健康care elective (3 credits, Diversity): examples include SOC210 Sociology of Family, 性别简介, SS221性入门, ANTH230介绍比赛 & 种族,ANTH238男人 & 男子气概, PY268多样性科学, ANTH320种族不平等, SOC330健康, 财富, 不平等, 和环境, HIST338女性, 性别, 科学, PY366文化心理学.
  • One 健康care elective (3 credits, Biology): examples include BY140 Biology I: Inheritance, 进化, 和多样性, 生物医学导论, BY214遗传学, BY363 Pharmacology of Infectious Disease, BY416 Principles of Toxicology and Epidemiology, BY419免疫学, BY428运动学, BY440 Biomedical Engineering Fundamentals, BY452药理学.
  • One 健康care elective (3 credits, Psychology): examples include PY253 Social Psychology, PY255认知心理学, PY357人类认知进化, PY359知觉, PY360学习与记忆, PY361动机与情感, PY458认知神经科学, PY462变态心理学.


At the completion of the program student will have attained sufficient knowledge, skills and behaviors to demonstrate to following abilities:

  • Think broadly and critically about the healthcare industry
  • Identify complex issues in healthcare and ideate workable solutions
  • Integrate new information to better understand complex issues
  • 团队合作
  • 欣赏认知多样性
  • Effectively communicate healthcare issues
  • 应用 evidence to support positions and decision


路易斯健康学院 & 生命科学 

Start Your 健康care Career Here

Make a difference creating the career of your dreams with the 健康care major.